Prime-O-Mat takes up the idea of analog painting, originally developed by Dirk Sanner with his painting "1 to 1680" (the source image). A new digital work is created daily using an algorithm, which continues the original image digitally to infinity. The images created consist of a matrix (48x35), as specified by the original image, which forms 48 fields from left to right and 35 lines from bottom to top. The sequence starts with the first number at the bottom left, ending with the last number at the top right, counting from left to right. The prime numbers are painted black, while the others remain white.
With the launch of the Prime-O-Mat, starting on February 22nd, 2022, the original image will be continued using the number range from 1681 to 3360. Each subsequent image will be generated using the next block of numbers.
The design of the pictures can be assigned to concrete art and is based on the aesthetic model by the "De Stijl" group of artists through the use of black and white colors and the restriction to horizontal and vertical design elements. By the distribution of the prime numbers, mathematics unfolds its own aesthetic language and effect.
All Prime-O-Mat images are published daily on this page.